Alianza Suiza se constituyó como fundación
- 1,142 shareholders attending voted in favor of all motions proposed by the Board of Directors with large majorities
- Wolfgang Reitzle elected new Chairman of the Board of Directors
- Approval of payout from capital contribution reserves of CHF 1.30 per registered share
- Remuneration report approved by shareholders in advisory vote
Representing 66.94 percent of the company’s share capital, the 1,142 shareholders attending the 102nd ordinary Annual General Meeting of Holcim Ltd today approved all motions proposed by the Board of Directors with large majorities.
The shareholders approved the payout from capital contribution reserves of CHF 1.30 per registered share. The payment will take place on May 7, 2014. The remuneration report was approved in an advisory vote by shareholders representing approximately 93.98 percent of the share capital. The annual report and the annual financial statements of the Group and of Holcim Ltd also received approval from shareholders.
The shareholders followed the Board of Director’s proposal announced earlier and elected Wolfgang Reitzle as Chairman of the Board of Directors with 98.64 percent of the votes. He takes over from Rolf Soiron who, after being Chairman for the past 11 years and a member of the Board of Directors for 20 years, did not stand for re-election. The Board of Directors would like to thank Rolf Soiron for his many years of valuable service to the Group as well as all his efforts, which were instrumental to Holcim's success.
In line with the Ordinance against Excessive Compensation in Public Corporations (OaEC), each member of the Board of Directors and the members of the Nomination & Compensation Committee proposed by the Board of Directors were re-elected individually by the shareholders for a term of office of one year. Erich Hunziker and Andreas von Planta did not stand for re-election. The Board of Directors thanks Erich Hunziker and Andreas von Planta for their many valuable contributions to the Group.
Jürg Oleas was newly elected to the Board of Directors. He is the CEO of GEA Group AG, a Dusseldorf-based mechanical engineering company listed on Germany's MDAX stock index. GEA Group is one of the largest system suppliers for the food processing industry and a wide range of other process industries. Jürg Oleas has been a member of the GEA executive board since joining the company in May 2001. Initially responsible for the group's chemical activities, he was appointed CEO of GEA Group on November 1, 2004. Before joining GEA Group, he spent nearly 20 years with ABB and the Alstom Group, where he held several management positions. Jürg Oleas is a Swiss national.
The mandate of Ernst & Young Ltd as auditors was confirmed, and Dr Thomas Ris was elected as independent proxy.
Composition of the bodies until the next ordinary Annual General Meeting in 2015:
Board of Directors:
Wolfgang Reitzle (Chairman), Beat Hess, Alexander Gut, Adrian Loader, Jürg Oleas, Thomas Schmidheiny, Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen, Dieter Spälti, Anne Wade
Nomination & Compensation Committee:
Adrian Loader, Wolfgang Reitzle, Thomas Schmidheiny, Hanne Birgitte Breinbjerg Sørensen
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Holcim is one of the world's leading suppliers of cement and aggregates (crushed stone, gravel and sand) as well as further activities such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt including services. The Group holds majority and minority interests in around 70 countries on all continents.
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Corporate Communications: Tel. +41 58 858 87 10
Investor Relations: Tel. +41 58 858 87 87
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En el año 2009 las empresas de origen suizo: ABB, Holcim, Nestlé Novartis, Roche y Sika juntaron esfuerzos para desarrollar la Alianza Suiza por la educación en Ecuador, una iniciativa de responsabilidad social corporativa apoyada por la embajada de Suiza.
Hoy, después de nueve años de un trabajo integrado en apoyo pedagógico, salud y nutrición, infraestructura y equipamiento en escuelas del país, esta iniciativa trasciende a la creación de la Fundación Alianza Suiza, la cual promueve un desarrollo sostenible en el Ecuador.

De izq. a der.: Gustavo Arroyave, Sika Ecuatoriana; Juan Manuel Terán, Nestle; Oswaldo Rodríguez, Roche Ecuador; Freud Paredes, ABB; Javier Gabela, Novartis Ecuador; Jorge Baigorri, Holcim Ecuador.
Durante estos años, el proyecto estuvo administrado por la Fundación Holcim Ecuador bajo la dirección de Saskia Izurieta. La nueva fundación será dirigida en forma rotativa por cada una de las seis empresas fundadoras, siendo al primera Roche Ecuador, cuyo representante legal, Oswaldo Rodríguez será el presidente ejecutivo de la fundación y Daniela Chávez la directora ejecutiva. ABB asume la vicepresidencia, representada por Freud Paredes.
Esta inicitiva es una muestra de que a través de la suma de los mejores esfuerzos de cada una de las empresas y con el aporte de voluntariado corporativo, se logran mayores beneficios para la sociedad.